Kyo-ware&Kiyomizu-ware Artist Profile

四季折々の美をうつす 泰平窯 平野泰三

Taizo Hirano at Taihei Kiln: Capturing the Beau...

Beauty Reflecting the Seasons Excellence in Craftsmanship

Taizo Hirano at Taihei Kiln: Capturing the Beau...

Beauty Reflecting the Seasons Excellence in Craftsmanship

父子で挑む京焼の新境地 大日窯 竹村繁男・陽太郎

Takemura Shigeno & Youtaro: Pushing the Boundar...

Nature and Tradition Interwoven Timeless Art Across Generations

Takemura Shigeno & Youtaro: Pushing the Boundar...

Nature and Tradition Interwoven Timeless Art Across Generations

伝統技法で表現する独自の世界 森里陶楽

Tōraku Morimoto : A Unique World Expressed Thr...

Skilled techniques and gorgeous colors The one and only purple flower pattern

Tōraku Morimoto : A Unique World Expressed Thr...

Skilled techniques and gorgeous colors The one and only purple flower pattern

京都らしさを表現するうつわ 森俊山

Shunzan Mori : Pottery That Embodies the Spiri...

The Vibrancy of Flowers Infused with Kyoto's Living Tradition

Shunzan Mori : Pottery That Embodies the Spiri...

The Vibrancy of Flowers Infused with Kyoto's Living Tradition

京都の里山で取り組む丹念なものづくり 田中大輝

Daiki Tanaka: Dedicated Craftsmanship in Kyoto'...

Beauty of Traditional Handcraft Everyday Ceramics that Shine

Daiki Tanaka: Dedicated Craftsmanship in Kyoto'...

Beauty of Traditional Handcraft Everyday Ceramics that Shine

陶芸村を代表する老練の陶工 加藤永峰

Eiho Kato : Veteran Potter Representing the Pot...

Master Pottery Crafted by a Skilled Artisan Shining with Artistry

Eiho Kato : Veteran Potter Representing the Pot...

Master Pottery Crafted by a Skilled Artisan Shining with Artistry