Kyo-ware&Kiyomizu-ware Artist Profile

京焼の名窯、止まらない進化 今橋貴古

Kiko Imahashi :Renowned Kyo Ware Kiln, the Unst...

The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation The Beautiful World of Ceramics

Kiko Imahashi :Renowned Kyo Ware Kiln, the Unst...

The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation The Beautiful World of Ceramics

炎が生み出す煌めき 前田五雲

Goun Maeda :The Radiance Forged by Flames

Expression of Ceramics Where Even the Slightest Mistake Is Not Permitted Enchanted by Crystalline Glazes

Goun Maeda :The Radiance Forged by Flames

Expression of Ceramics Where Even the Slightest Mistake Is Not Permitted Enchanted by Crystalline Glazes

技巧と意匠の調和 山本一如

Ichinyo Yamamoto :The Harmony of Technique and ...

A Lifetime Dedicated to Mastery Ichin Technique Kochi Ware

Ichinyo Yamamoto :The Harmony of Technique and ...

A Lifetime Dedicated to Mastery Ichin Technique Kochi Ware

孤高に磨かれた技術 澤田卓伸 TAKUNOBU

Takunobu Sawada: A Mastery Refined in Solitude

An Unconventional Sensibility Born from a Unique Background

Takunobu Sawada: A Mastery Refined in Solitude

An Unconventional Sensibility Born from a Unique Background

変幻自在の釉薬 和泉良法

Yoshinori Izumi: The Master of Ever-Changing Gl...

Over Half a Century of Glaze Research In Pursuit of Perfect Expression

Yoshinori Izumi: The Master of Ever-Changing Gl...

Over Half a Century of Glaze Research In Pursuit of Perfect Expression